Zookeeper 4 Letter Word Netcat No Response


To report Zookeeper service health, we use the 4 letter word (4LW) command ruok and check that response is imok.

netcat is the channel via which the message is sent.

After upgrading the operating system from Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04, we see that intermittently there is no response. Hmm…


Is Zookeeper getting those commands?#

A simple bash script can be used to verify this:


for i in {1..10}
  status=$(echo "ruok" | nc localhost 2181)
  echo -e "try ${i}: ${status}"

Output looks suspect:

root@zk-node:~# ./check_zk.sh
try 1: imok
try 2: imok
try 3: imok
try 4: imok
try 5: imok
try 6:
try 7: imok
try 8:
try 9: imok
try 10: imok

But Zookeeper service has no issues processing the requests:

Jul 24 22:21:07 zk-node zookeeper[23515]: 2020-07-24 22:21:07,054 [myid:] - INFO  [NIOWorkerThread-31:NIOServerCnxn@507] - Processing ruok command from /
Jul 24 22:21:07 zk-node zookeeper[23515]: 2020-07-24 22:21:07,091 [myid:] - INFO  [NIOWorkerThread-22:NIOServerCnxn@507] - Processing ruok command from /
Jul 24 22:21:07 zk-node zookeeper[23515]: 2020-07-24 22:21:07,110 [myid:] - INFO  [NIOWorkerThread-20:NIOServerCnxn@507] - Processing ruok command from /
Jul 24 22:21:07 zk-node zookeeper[23515]: 2020-07-24 22:21:07,125 [myid:] - INFO  [NIOWorkerThread-4:NIOServerCnxn@507] - Processing ruok command from /
Jul 24 22:21:07 zk-node zookeeper[23515]: 2020-07-24 22:21:07,139 [myid:] - INFO  [NIOWorkerThread-3:NIOServerCnxn@507] - Processing ruok command from /
Jul 24 22:21:07 zk-node zookeeper[23515]: 2020-07-24 22:21:07,153 [myid:] - INFO  [NIOWorkerThread-1:NIOServerCnxn@507] - Processing ruok command from /
Jul 24 22:21:07 zk-node zookeeper[23515]: 2020-07-24 22:21:07,166 [myid:] - INFO  [NIOWorkerThread-23:NIOServerCnxn@507] - Processing ruok command from /
Jul 24 22:21:07 zk-node zookeeper[23515]: 2020-07-24 22:21:07,179 [myid:] - INFO  [NIOWorkerThread-11:NIOServerCnxn@507] - Processing ruok command from /
Jul 24 22:21:07 zk-node zookeeper[23515]: 2020-07-24 22:21:07,190 [myid:] - INFO  [NIOWorkerThread-9:NIOServerCnxn@507] - Processing ruok command from /
Jul 24 22:21:07 zk-node zookeeper[23515]: 2020-07-24 22:21:07,201 [myid:] - INFO  [NIOWorkerThread-5:NIOServerCnxn@507] - Processing ruok command from /

No errors or warnings or exceptions. Looks like it is responding just fine.

4LW commands do not work consistently#

Next, we tried looking for various causes that result in 4LW commands silently failing. Bumped into this known Zookeeper issue ZOOKEEPER-737: some 4 letter words may fail with netcat (nc) 1.

Now we did not observe any exceptions in ZK logs - probably because we’re using a later version of ZK - v3.6.1. But it does seem like a plausible root cause.

A StackOverflow post 2 points to the same with a fix to add delay in netcat before closing the channel.


Add delay to netcat before closing the channel#

Based on the StackOverflow post 2, we added the -q 1 flag; which adds a 1 second delay after sending the message and before it closes the channel.


# status=$(echo "ruok" | nc localhost 2181 -q 1)

root@zk-node:~# ./check_zk.sh
try 1: imok
try 2: imok
try 3: imok
try 4: imok
try 5: imok
try 6: imok
try 7: imok
try 8: imok
try 9: imok
try 10: imok

Consistency at last!

The goal of any platform - it works or it doesn’t; either is fine, as long as it does that consistently.


  1. https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ZOOKEEPER-737 ↩︎

  2. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26182416/zookeeper-server-started-but-ruok-no-output ↩︎

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